Thursday, February 18, 2010

Taxi driver was a sex-gangster arrested -!

Cologne - It is the horror scenario par excellence! A young woman wants home safely - and, therefore, is currently running a sex gangster in his arms!
So on Wednesday morning happened at the Zülpicher road. As the police on Friday announced here got a 21-year-old into a sex criminals in the taxi!
By 1 clock she had herangewunken to the car, a rose. They then sexually abused the driver.
Then, at 2:45 Clock passersby found the young woman in the disk apathetic streets. What exactly happened in the meantime, the police do not want to announce yet - the investigations are ongoing.
Even the taxi drivers on Wednesday (50) was arrested. The horrible suspicion: he has committed more acts? Fact is: There are still unsolved sex crimes in Cologne, where there is a taxi driver in the sights of investigators - it is the same?
The detainee sits in custody. In his interrogation, he denied having abused the woman.